Setting the Record Straight: Vintage Brooks Inc.’s Commitment to Celebrating Louise Brooks with Integrity and Respect

April 7, 2023 18 mins to read
Michael Garcia Mujica
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Dear Readers,

As ardent champions of the ineffable Louise Brooks, we at Vintage Brooks Inc. find ourselves enmeshed in a celluloid conundrum with a fellow enthusiast who purports to share our unwavering devotion to this legendary silent film star. In the spirit of candid transparency, we feel compelled to illuminate the current quandary involving Mr. Thomas Gladysz, the self-appointed “Director” of the Louise Brooks Society.

While Mr. Gladysz’s zeal for the inimitable Louise Brooks is beyond question, his recent exploits have, regrettably, cast a pall over his intentions. His efforts to assert himself as the ultimate authority on the radiant Louise Brooks not only ring hollow but also lack any legal foundation. In doing so, Mr. Gladysz has inadvertently marred his own reputation, leaving us to disentangle this intricate web of intrigue.

At Vintage Brooks Inc., we take our legal and ethical responsibilities seriously. As the holders of valid registrations with the USPTO for the trademark “LOUISE BROOKS” in Classes 16 and 25, and copyrights for our original art featuring her likeness, we are committed to upholding the highest standards of integrity.

Legal Implications and the Importance of Compliance

It is important to educate the public on the potential legal implications of Mr. Gladysz’s actions, particularly in relation to laws and codes that protect minors from sexualization and exploitation. The suggestive and childlike nature of his chosen aesthetic for the Louise Brooks Society raises concerns and warrants further investigation. This portrayal of Louise Brooks is not only a disrespectful and unsettling perversion of her image but could also be potentially illegal.

Furthermore, the lack of an age requirement for his fan-club application is equally concerning and could potentially violate laws and codes related to the protection of minors from harmful content and exploitation. Mr. Gladysz’s targeting of a younger audience, knowingly or unknowingly, is a potential violation of these laws and cannot be brushed aside, especially when he claims to honor and celebrate the legacy of a survivor of childhood sexual abuse. We strongly encourage Mr. Gladysz to reflect upon his actions and ensure that he is operating within legal and ethical boundaries.

The gravity of the concerns surrounding Mr. Gladysz’s actions cannot be understated. We have a collective responsibility to advocate for more robust legislation and enforcement related to the protection of minors and the prevention of child sexualization and exploitation. By championing these causes, we not only safeguard our communities but also honor the legacy of Louise Brooks and the countless others who have endured abuse.

As stewards of Louise Brooks’s memory and her broader community of admirers, we are called upon to contribute to a safer and more inclusive environment for all. By actively promoting stricter laws and codes related to the protection of minors and the prevention of child sexualization and exploitation, we not only preserve her indelible spirit but also ensure that her story remains an enduring beacon of hope and empowerment for generations to come.

For example, Mr. Gladysz’s website, the Louise Brooks Society fan-club application form does not include an age requirement. This oversight could potentially expose minors to content that may not be age-appropriate, violating laws such as COPPA and CIPA, which aim to protect minors from harmful content and exploitation.

It is important to note that organizations or individuals have faced legal consequences for violating laws related to the protection of minors and prevention of child sexualization and exploitation. In 2014, the social media platform Whisper faced scrutiny for potential COPPA violations. The app allowed users under the age of 13 to create accounts and access content that was not age-appropriate. As a result, Whisper implemented changes to its platform to better protect minors and comply with COPPA regulations.

While I am not a legal expert, I can provide some general information on potential state, federal, and international laws and codes that Mr. Gladysz might need to consider when operating the Louise Brooks Society from Carmichael, CA. It is important to note that the following list is not exhaustive, and Mr. Gladysz should consult with a legal professional to ensure full compliance with all applicable regulations.

State Laws:

  1. California Online Privacy Protection Act (CalOPPA): Requires website operators to post a privacy policy that discloses the collection and use of personal information from California residents, including minors.
  2. California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA): Grants California residents specific rights regarding their personal information, such as the right to know what information is collected, the right to request deletion, and the right to opt-out of the sale of personal information.

Federal Laws:

  1. Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA): Regulates the online collection of personal information from children under the age of 13.
  2. Children’s Internet Protection Act (CIPA): Requires certain institutions receiving federal funding to implement internet safety measures, including content filters, to protect minors from harmful online content.
  3. Child Protection and Obscenity Enforcement Act: Prohibits the production, distribution, or possession of child pornography and certain other forms of explicit content.
  4. Protect Act: Strengthens laws against child pornography and obscenity, and expands penalties for those involved in the sexual exploitation of minors.
  5. Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act: Provides immunity to website operators from liability for content posted by users, with some exceptions.

International Laws:

  1. General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR): Applies to organizations that process personal data of individuals in the European Union, and requires compliance with specific data protection principles, individual rights, and security measures.
  2. Other international privacy laws: Depending on the reach of the Louise Brooks Society’s website and activities, Mr. Gladysz may need to consider the privacy and data protection laws of other countries where users or members may reside.

In addition to these laws, Mr. Gladysz should also be aware of copyright and intellectual property laws that may apply to the content featured on the Louise Brooks Society website, as well as any other legal requirements specific to the organization’s activities or membership. It is essential to consult with a legal professional to ensure full compliance with all applicable laws and regulations.

Exhibit A: Application Form for the Louise Brooks Society, highlighting potential legal implications for minors and data privacy concerns

Examining Mr. Gladysz’s Application Form and Potential Legal Issues

Upon examining Mr. Gladysz’s application form for the Louise Brooks Society, several potential legal implications can be identified, which warrant further scrutiny:

  1. Lack of age requirement: The application form does not include an age requirement, which may expose minors to potentially inappropriate content. This could be in violation of laws such as the Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA) and the Children’s Internet Protection Act (CIPA), which are designed to protect minors from harmful content and exploitation. In California, the California Online Privacy Protection Act (CalOPPA) requires website operators to conspicuously post a privacy policy that discloses what personal information is collected from minors under the age of 18 and how that information is used.
  2. Data privacy concerns: The application form requests personal information from applicants, including their name, address and email. Without a proper privacy policy in place or information on how this data will be used, stored, and protected, the Louise Brooks Society could potentially be in violation of data privacy laws such as the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) or the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA). The CCPA grants California residents the right to know what personal information is collected about them, the right to request that their personal information be deleted, and the right to opt-out of the sale of their personal information.
  3. Content issues: While the application form itself does not feature explicit content, the website, its images, and its association with the Louise Brooks Society may have implications for those who choose to join. The suggestive and childlike portrayal of Louise Brooks, as seen on the website, may potentially violate laws related to child sexualization and exploitation, such as the Child Protection and Obscenity Enforcement Act and the Protect Act. In California, the Child Abuse and Neglect Reporting Act (CANRA) requires certain professionals who have regular contact with minors to report any reasonable suspicion of child abuse or neglect to law enforcement or child protective services.

By examining these potential legal implications, it is clear that Mr. Gladysz and the Louise Brooks Society should take measures to ensure compliance with relevant laws and regulations, particularly those related to the protection of minors and data privacy.

Inappropriate Exploitation: The Disturbing Reality Behind Gladysz’s ‘Louise Brooks Society’ Blog

Exhibit B: Shameful profiteering: the unsettling underbelly of Gladysz’s ‘Louise Brooks Society’ blog

It’s appalling to discover that Thomas Gladysz, who claims to celebrate Louise Brooks, is tarnishing her legacy by profiting off sexually suggestive content on his blog, “The Louise Brooks Society.” Displaying Livebeam’s adult-themed advertisements alongside Louise Brooks-related content is a disservice to her memory and raises concerns about the motives behind this monetization.

In light of this, it’s essential to emphasize the importance of protecting vulnerable individuals, especially children, from predators and grooming. Operation Predator, an initiative led by the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE), targets and apprehends child predators who exploit and abuse minors. By working closely with local and international law enforcement agencies, Operation Predator aims to ensure that no child falls victim to the sinister designs of predators.

To safeguard children from predators and grooming, we must remain vigilant, educate ourselves and our children about the risks, and report any suspicious behavior to appropriate authorities. Let’s unite in our efforts to uphold the dignity of individuals like Louise Brooks and protect the innocence of our children from those who seek to exploit them.

International and Cross-Border Legal Considerations: Interpol, ICC, and Beyond

It is essential to recognize that the potential legal implications of Mr. Gladysz’s actions are not confined to domestic laws and regulations. As the digital landscape transcends geographical boundaries, it is necessary to take into account international laws and codes, including those enforced by organizations such as Interpol and the International Criminal Court (ICC).

  1. Interpol’s role in combatting child exploitation: Interpol, as an international organization facilitating police cooperation, plays a significant part in fighting against child exploitation and sexual abuse. By collaborating with member countries, Interpol aids in the identification, apprehension, and prosecution of offenders involved in child sexual exploitation. Should Mr. Gladysz’s actions be deemed as violating international laws related to child protection, Interpol may become involved in the investigation.
  2. ICC’s jurisdiction over crimes against humanity: The International Criminal Court (ICC) primarily focuses on prosecuting individuals responsible for the most severe international crimes, such as genocide, war crimes, and crimes against humanity. While Mr. Gladysz’s actions may not fall within the purview of the ICC, it is crucial to remain cognizant of the broader international legal framework that governs the protection of minors and the prevention of child exploitation.
  3. Cross-border cooperation: As the internet allows for the global dissemination of information and content, it is crucial for countries to collaborate in addressing issues related to child sexualization and exploitation. This may involve harmonizing national laws, sharing intelligence, and working together to enforce regulations that safeguard minors from harm.

By considering the international legal landscape and the potential involvement of organizations such as Interpol and the ICC, we can adopt a more holistic approach in addressing the concerns surrounding Mr. Gladysz’s actions. This comprehensive outlook will enable us to work towards creating a safer and more inclusive environment for all Louise Brooks enthusiasts, regardless of their geographical location.

Prejudice and Misguided Assumptions: A Rebuttal to Thomas Gladysz’s Commentary on Florida’s Education

Exhibit C: Unwarranted doubt: A misguided judgment on Florida’s education by Thomas Gladysz

In his tweet, Thomas Gladysz makes a sweeping statement about Florida’s education system under Governor DeSantis, encouraging American universities to cast a wary eye on students from the Sunshine State. This subtle insinuation not only reflects an uninformed opinion but also perpetuates prejudice and division.

Florida, known for its rich cultural diversity, boasts a melting pot of students from various backgrounds. To suggest that the state’s educational standards have fallen is to undermine the resilience and determination of these students, many of whom overcome significant challenges to achieve their academic goals.

Ironically, Gladysz himself admires Louise Brooks, who left formal education early to follow her passion. Despite not following the traditional academic path, Brooks achieved remarkable success through her unwavering passion, repetition, and fervor. Like Brooks, Florida’s students defy expectations and demonstrate that there are many paths to greatness.

For example, consider the achievements of Dr. Eduardo J. Padrón, who served as President of Miami Dade College (MDC) from 1995 to 2019. Under his leadership, MDC became the largest degree-granting institution in the United States, earning national recognition for student access, retention, and overall achievement. MDC enrolls and graduates more minorities than any other institution in the country, highlighting Florida’s commitment to inclusive education.

Dr. Padrón’s accolades are numerous, including being named Commandeur in the Ordre des Palmes Académiques by France, receiving the Order of San Martin from Argentina, and the Order of Queen Isabella from Spain’s King Juan Carlos II. In 2016, President Barack Obama awarded him the Presidential Medal of Freedom, the highest civilian honor in the U.S. His accomplishments stand as a testament to the excellence that can be found in Florida’s education system.

Rather than casting aspersions on the abilities of Florida’s high school students, we should appreciate the potential and promise they offer. True leadership unites, never divides.

As for the educational standards, Mr. Gladysz would do well to remember that Florida’s community colleges continue to shine at a national level. It’s time to put aside groundless assumptions and look at the bigger picture.

In a world that craves unity and understanding, it’s time we abandon baseless stereotypes and embrace the incredible achievements of students from all walks of life. Taking a cue from Louise Brooks’ inspiring journey, let’s champion the unique stories of every student.

Let us not allow prejudice to cloud our judgment. Instead, let’s celebrate the accomplishments of Florida’s high school students and acknowledge the hard work and dedication they bring to America’s higher education landscape. There’s no room for bias on the road to enlightenment, especially when our role models have traveled unconventional paths to success.

Analyzing Gladysz’s Tweet from Freudian and Jungian Perspectives: A Glimpse into Potential Segregation

If we were to incorporate the idea of segregation into the analysis of Gladysz’s tweet from both Freudian and Jungian perspectives, it might look something like this:

From a Freudian perspective, the tweet might hint at a subconscious desire to separate or segregate students based on political ideologies, stemming from the anxiety or concern about the influence of conservative politics on education. This interpretation suggests an unconscious bias that Gladysz might not be aware of, which could have implications for how he perceives and interacts with individuals who hold differing views.

From a Jungian perspective, the tweet could be seen as an expression of archetypal patterns or collective unconscious thoughts about the separation of individuals based on their political beliefs, revealing an “us vs. them” mentality. This polarization might be perpetuating further division and segregation within society, rather than fostering understanding and unity.

It is important to note that these interpretations are speculative and not definitive. They can serve as a basis for further discussion and exploration of the possible underlying motives behind the tweet, including the potential implications of segregation based on political beliefs. However, it is crucial to approach this analysis with caution and recognize the limitations of such interpretations.

Rising Above Partisanship: A Unified Celebration of Louise Brooks’ Legacy

At Vintage Brooks Inc., we champion the notion of transcending the political spectrum, embracing a vibrant hue that encapsulates the essence of unity. As we commemorate Louise Brooks’ life and legacy, we gracefully pirouette around the partisan fray, bringing together aficionados of her timeless artistry.

Distancing ourselves from Mr. Gladysz and his contentious posturing, we deliver a series of eloquent counterpunches to demonstrate our unwavering commitment to fostering a harmonious environment for admirers from all walks of life. Our focus remains steadfast: to extol Louise Brooks’ resilience and enduring impact on generations of ardent enthusiasts.

In doing so, we ensure that the memory of Louise Brooks remains untarnished by the foibles of partisan inclinations. Our dedication to creating a space for meaningful engagement serves as a testament to the indomitable spirit and legacy of this legendary silent film star.

Gladysz’s Gaffe: An Unwitting Revival of Kane & Brooks’ Legal Legacies

The recent brouhaha around the Gladysz application and its portrayal of Louise Brooks has reignited the age-old debate on content moderation, evoking landmark cases like Helen Kane v. Fleischer Studios and Louise Brooks v. John de Mirjian. Amidst these legal echoes, one can’t help but wonder if the application’s seemingly childlike charm veils an inadvertent faux pas or, worse yet, an exploitative motive.

Kane and Brooks, luminaries in their own right, stood up against unauthorized use of their images, paving the way for intellectual property rights. Their legal tussles underscore the significance of consent and the potential ramifications of using someone’s likeness carelessly, or with perverse intent for financial gain. The Gladysz application, with its parallels to these disputes, raises eyebrows about the propriety of featuring Brooks’ image in a seemingly juvenile context, and the potential exploitation of her image.

As the application delineates membership tiers, it employs phrases like “ingénue,” “cult figure,” and “cultural icon,” ostensibly innocuous descriptors. However, by linking these terms to a girlish Louise Brooks, the application inadvertently wades into contentious territory, especially in light of the Kane and Brooks cases, where the plaintiffs fought against both unauthorized use and the sexualization of their images for profit.

While some may champion the depiction, arguing it’s neither suggestive nor sexualized, the historical context of Kane and Brooks cases reminds us that a counterpunch is sometimes warranted. These legal precedents highlight the need for meticulous examination and cautious deliberation of the material at hand, especially when iconic figures and potential intellectual property issues are involved, as well as the importance of protecting their images from exploitation.

In summary, the Gladysz application controversy, when scrutinized through the lens of Kane and Brooks’ legal legacies, serves as a potent reminder that even seemingly harmless content can have far-reaching consequences. Striking the right balance between artistic expression, copyright, and content moderation remains a Herculean task as we traverse the ever-shifting digital terrain, and the responsibility to safeguard against the sexualization and exploitation of figures like Louise Brooks remains paramount.

Addressing Misconceptions and Ensuring a Safe Space for Louise Brooks Enthusiasts

To provide a definitive clarification, neither Vintage Brooks Inc., our blog “Naked on My Goat”—which is intended to honor Brooks’ creativity, love for literature, and resilience in the face of adversity—nor I have ever been affiliated with Mr. Gladysz or his Louise Brooks Society. Our LOUISE BROOKS brand has nothing to do with Thomas Gladysz, neither now nor in the foreseeable future. Our commitment is to provide age-appropriate content and ensure a safe and respectful environment for all Louise Brooks enthusiasts, including survivors of abuse who find solace and inspiration in her courageous story.

We want to clarify that our offer of support and resources is not an insinuation that Mr. Gladysz is an abuser. Rather, we simply want to offer a helping hand to those who may be affected by this situation, including survivors of abuse who may find his content and actions concerning or triggering.

If you or someone you know is in need of assistance, we recommend the National Sexual Assault Telephone Hotline at 800-656-HOPE (4673) or the RAINN chat service at Both provide confidential support and information for survivors and their loved ones.

Moving Forward and Focusing on the Legacy of Louise Brooks

We are dedicated to providing a secure and considerate space for all Louise Brooks fans, especially for those who have overcome abuse and look up to her as a symbol of bravery and hope. We respect your freedom to form your own opinions, but we strongly believe that Mr. Gladysz’s conduct deserves more attention.

We hope that Mr. Gladysz takes a long, hard look at his choices and their impact on the broader community of enthusiasts. It’s time for him to put his questionable aesthetics aside and focus on what truly matters: celebrating and honoring the life and legacy of Louise Brooks. Because let’s face it, nobody wants to be remembered as the person who perverted the image of a survivor of childhood sexual abuse.

We also express our willingness to engage in constructive dialogue with Mr. Gladysz and the Louise Brooks Society to resolve the conflict and ensure that all parties are operating within legal and ethical boundaries. By demonstrating a willingness to work towards a peaceful resolution, Vintage Brooks Inc. can showcase their commitment to creating a safe and respectful environment for all Louise Brooks enthusiasts.

Thank you for standing with us in our mission to celebrate and honor the timeless legacy of Louise Brooks. Your unwavering support is a testament to the enduring power of her artistry and spirit. We are grateful to have such a dedicated community of enthusiasts by our side.

With deepest appreciation,

Michael Garcia Mujica
Vintage Brooks Inc.

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