
The Dubious Maneuverings of Thomas Gladysz: A Blight on Louise Brooks’s Legacy

In the ledger of 2024, the lexicon of online commerce – spanning the digital aisles of Amazon to eBay – was besmirched by a brazen pilferage of Louise Brooks‘s illustrious legacy. Here we find a narrative not of preservation, but of audacious appropriation: the iconic visages of Lulu in Hollywood and Diary of a Lost…


Reclaiming Louise Brooks’ “Lulu in Hollywood”

Table of Contents A Journey Through Advocacy and Legacy In mid-2023, I embarked on a mission to illuminate the overlooked legacy of Louise Brooks on Wikipedia. For ethical reasons, I chose not to intervene directly with edits or publications due to a conflict of interest. My objective was twofold: to cast a spotlight on Lulu…


The Miseducation of the Louise Brooks Society

Cultivating Truth: Rescuing Louise Brooks from the Overgrown Garden of Revisionism The legacy of enigmatic silent film star Louise Brooks faces appropriation, with the Louise Brooks Society (LBS), under the self-appointed direction of Thomas Gladysz, at the controversy’s core. Gladysz’s editorial footprint on the Wikipedia page dedicated to Brooks is substantial and disturbing. The LBS…